
Joris Pinkster (Executive President)
Joris Pinkster is a molecular biologist with over 20 years of working experience on sustainability issues both in the Netherlands as internationally. Because of his work for five different ministries of the Netherlands, the ministry of environment of Peru, the United Nations (UN) and because of his experience with negotiations on EU- and UN-legislation, he has ample experience with the management of governmental policy. Currently we works as a strategic advisor on the implementation of the sustainability ambitions of the Royal Schiphol Group. His personal drive is to make the world a bit more sustainable.

Annemarie Goedmakers
Dr. Goedmakers studied biochemistry and ecology (cum laude) in Amsterdam and Lyon. She has worked as a scientist in the field of aquatic ecology in northern France, as head international relations with a Dutch ministry, as senior consultant international natural resource management for DHV Consultants, and as director renewable energy and later as senior vice president sustainability with NV Nuon. She has founded and been CEO/executive president of FRES (Foundation Rural Energy Services). From 1989 until 2004 she has been a member of the European Parliament (spokesperson finance for the Socialist Group and a.o. rapporteur on international research cooperation). She is president of the executive committee of Daridibó.

Tedros Medhin
Tedros Medhin was David’s best friend. They attended the Stedelijk Gymnasium in Nijmegen together and travelled several times. Tedros graduated from the University of Amsterdam in Corporate Communications. Currently Tedros is program secretary for the Green Livelihoods Alliance. This programme aims to ensure that tropical forests and forest landscapes are sustainably and inclusively governed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, fulfil human rights and safeguard local livelihoods.

Jan Boekelman (treasurer)
Jan Boekelman (1959) is an experienced executive & supervisory board member with demonstrated skills in the field of finance. Executive experience mainly gained in the energy industry (Shell, Nuon, EBN). Strong finance expertise in controlling, treasury, internal audit, managerial finance and accounting. Special interest in sustainability, development cooperation. Currently he holds a number of supervisory board positions across various sectors and industries.

Norbert de munnik

Rene Henkens
With an educational background in ecology, Rene Henkens gained extensive expertise in nature conservation and the sustainable development of tourism over a period of almost twenty years. He has years of experience in both research and education, with the Wageningen University and Research Centre as a solid foundation. He worked throughout Europe, Asia and Africa on a number of projects in managing protected areas, developing sustainable tourism and building capacity, generally as a project manager or training director.He gained his primary experience from a long-term assignment as assistant manager of the Hustai National Park in Mongolia, where he was responsible for education, development and the implementation of sustainable development of tourism. Assignments in the Netherlands and Europe are aimed at Natura 2000, along with a few project management assignments in Croatia and Turkey from 2007 – 2012.
The Board also receives support from the following advisors:

Piet Wit
Piet Wit is graduated in agriculture with specialization in rangeland ecology. He has gained a wealth of experience during his 50 years as a professional working in natural resources- and biodiversity management. Besides his experience in the Netherlands, he has also worked in most of countries of Western Africa, in particular the Sahel region, in East-, Central- and Southern Africa and in Asia. His experience includes long-term missions to Nigeria, Cameroon and Mongolia during which he worked in preserving biodiversity and participatory management of protected areas and their buffer zones. Piet Wit has a solid background in training and education management. He has served as the chairman of the Commission on Ecosystem Management van IUCN from 2008 until 2016.